RYZE 2 FLYE is a dynamic 501 C 3 non-profit organization that provides Lifestyle Redirection, Job Readiness/Workforce Development, and Re-entry services to communities that endure challenging socially impacted conditions. Our team of experienced professionals are both determined and committed to stand in the fight against alarming recidivism rates, gun violence, and criminal behavior among youth and young adults. 

We are fully persuaded that our strategically developed outreach initiative is equipped to address the long-standing issues that have undermined the city of Chicago and its resident's potential to become the greatest versions of themselves. Our objective is to fight to create a positive change environment that provides sustainable solutions for very real problems.

 We humbly submit that RYZE 2 FLYE is not just an outreach initiative, it's a much-needed call to action! Action that is specifically designed to reach beyond the break of violence induced trauma and offer real hope for improving quality of life to those that so desperately need it, and thereby make a lasting difference in our communities. That time is here... that time is right now!